Das Durchmachen von Masern verringert die Krebsneigung
Frühkindliche Infektionen trainieren das zelluläre Immunsystem, das ab dem Zeitpunkt der Geburt aktiv wird. In Verbindung insbesondere mit Kinderkrankheiten wie den Masern werden von Eltern und Heilberuflern seit Generationen Wachstums- und Entwicklungsschübe beobachtet. Wer die Masern durchgemacht hat, hat offenbar ein vermindertes Krebsrisiko. Inzwischen wird sogar versucht, mit Hilfe von genmanipulierten Masernviren Krebs zu bekämpfen!
Our study demonstrated that tumor cells expressing H protein could activate the immune memory response against MV, which exerted specific anti-tumor effects, and indicated that the MV-H gene can be used as a potential therapeutic gene for cancer gene therapy.
Measles virus (MeV) is a member of the family Paramixoviridae that causes a highly contagious respiratory disease but has emerged as a promising oncolytic platform.
(...) we evaluated a novel combined approach composed of the oral histone deacetylase inhibitor resminostat and an oncolytic measles vaccine virus (MeV) for a future epi?virotherapy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
The sequence analysis of MV isolated from the tumor revealed that the designed mutation in the H protein of rMV-SLAMblind had been stably maintained for 47 days after the last inoculation. These results suggest that rMV-SLAMblind is a promising candidate for the novel treatment of pancreatic cancer.
Seronegative rates for vaccine-preventable diseases were very high in childhood cancer survivors, which represented a subpopulation of high-risk patients who could benefit from revaccination. We suggest a universal revaccination approach for all childhood cancer survivors, which is easily applicable and of low cost.
Die Autoren stellen fest, dass Kinder, die Krebs überlebt haben, zu einem außergewöhnlich hohen Anteil keinen als schützend angesehenen Titer besitzen. Das Phänomen finde ich interessant, weshalb ich es hier zitiere, obwohl es nicht wirklich in das Thema dieser Liste passt. Die Autoren interessieren sich jedoch - wie in vielen Studien üblich - nur für eine Argumentation zu mehr Impfungen.
Fayea NY et al.: Immunization status in childhood cancer survivors: A hidden risk which could be prevented
Shoji K et al.: Development of new therapy for canine mammary cancer with recombinant measles virus.
In this pre-vaccination cohort, childhood infection with measles and influenza were associated with a reduced risk of death from cancer in adulthood.
Measles virus offers an ideal platform from which to build a new generation of safe, effective oncolytic viruses. Occasional so-called spontaneous tumor regressions have occurred during natural measles infections (...)
Russell SJ, Peng KW: Measles virus for cancer therapy
Studie: Mumpserkrankung schützt vor Krebs, die Impfung dagegen nicht
Über den möglichen Stellenwert von Kinderkrankheiten