Lukrative Doppel-Strategie der Bill & Melinda Gates Stiftung?

aktualisiert am 6. Feb. 2007

(ht) Microsoft-Gründer Bill Gates investiert seine Milliarden-Gewinne in globale Konzerne, die in den gleichen Ländern der Dritten Welt gesundheitsgefährdende Umweltzerstörung betreiben, in die auch die Impf-Milliarden der Gates-Stiftung fließen.

Süddeutsche Zeitung: "Unsaubere Geschäfte der Gates-Stiftung"

"Kinder verseucht, aber gegen Masern geimpft. Wo kommt das viele Geld her, dass Gutmensch Bill Gates und Gattin unter die Armen der Welt streuen? Eine Liste zeigt, dass die Millionen für gute Taten verdient werden mit Aktien dubioser Unternehmen. Es ist ein Weltverbesserungskosmos, wie man ihn noch nicht gesehen hat: Die Bill and Melinda Gates Stiftung besitzt 24,5 Milliarden Euro, sie wird - dank der märchenhaften Spende des amerikanischen Investors und zweitreichsten Mannes der Welt, Warren Buffett, in wenigen Jahren über 50 Milliarden Euro verfügen, und damit über ein Vermögen, das die Bruttosozialprodukte von 70 Prozent aller Länder der Welt übersteigt. Und nichts anderem dient dieses Geld als dem Kampf gegen Elend, Unwissenheit und Krankheit. Nun ja, fast nichts anderem. (...)"

Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 10. Jan. 2007



SPIEGEL: "WIRBEL UM STIFTUNG Gates tut Gutes mit schlecht gemachtem Geld"

New York Die Bill-Gates-Stiftung ist wegen ihrer stillen Investments in umstrittene Öl- und Chemiekonzerne in die Kritik geraten. Kein Einzelfall: Viele wohltätige Fonds versehen ihr gutes Werk mit fragwürdig verdientem Geld.

New York - Die Spende betrug fast das Fünffache des Jahresbudgets der Gruppe. Auf 4.736.587 Dollar war der Scheck ausgestellt, den Javed Syed, der Tuberkulose-Experte der New Yorker Aids-Organisation Treatment Action Group (TAG), diese Woche überreicht bekam. "Mit diesem großzügigen Zuschuss", jubelte der gebürtige Inder, "können wir die Arbeit zu TBC und HIV enorm ausweiten. (...)"

DER SPIEGEL vom 13. Jan. 2007  


"The Gates Foundation has poured $218 million into polio and measles immunization and research worldwide, including in the Niger Delta. At the same time that it is paying for inoculations to protect health, it has invested $423 million in Eni, Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon Mobil, Chevron and Total of France — the companies responsible for most of the flares blanketing the delta with pollution, beyond anything permitted in the United States or Europe. A sampling of the Gates Foundation's largest investments between $100 million and $1 billion: Abbott Laboratories, Archer Daniels Midland, British Petroleum, Canadian National Railway, Exxon Mobil, Freddie Mac, French Government, Japanese Government, Merck, Schering Plough, Tyco International, Waste Management.....Indeed, local leaders blame oil developments for fostering some of the very afflictions that the foundation combats." - Charles Piller, Edmund Sanders, Robyn Dixon, LA Times

Barbara Loe Fisher Commentary:

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has more than $60 billion at its disposal - an amount higher than the gross domestic products of 70 percent of the world's nations - is reportedly financially backing corporations which pollute the same areas of Africa that are targeted for vaccines made by companies that Gates also funds. A report in the LA Times points out that:

"Oil bore holes fill with stagnant water, which is ideal for mosquitoes that spread malaria, one of the diseases the foundation is fighting. Investigators for Dr. Nonyenim Solomon Enyidah, health commissioner for Rivers State, where Ebocha is, cite an oil spill clogging rivers as a cause of cholera, another scourge the foundation is battling. The bright, sooty gas flares — which contain toxic byproducts such as benzene, mercury and chromium — lower immunity, Enyidah said, and make children more susceptible to polio and measles — the diseases that the Gates Foundation has helped to inoculate against."

There have been suggestions in the past that most of the diseases affecting modern man have been caused by negligent multinational corporations seeking high profits and doctors and scientists, who mistakenly believe they are helping people by encouraging the use of many toxic drugs and vaccines marketed by multi-national corporations. Sadly, Africa appears to be a place where this is occurring and the poorest people are suffering the most. They are being exploited twice: first by being sickened by manufactured toxins which poison their bodies; and again when that sickness is used to justify purchase and use of many vaccines to theoretically prevent the manmade illnesses.

Ironically, the clueless average American is also helping to exploit the children of Africa and other underdeveloped countries: the more mandated vaccines which Americans are forced to use and pay high prices for, the wealthier the drug companies making vaccines get. The vaccine manufacturers use the high profits they make off of American vaccine mandates to sell the stuff to poor countries like Africa at a reduced rate.

And so the little children are exploited and suffer, American and African alike, and will continue to suffer until Americans stand up and stop the vicious cycle.















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