USA: Widerstand gegen HPV-Zwangsimpfung teilweise erfolgreich

(ht) Der Gesetzesentwurf zur Einführung der Impfung von jungen Mädchen gegen Gebärmutterhalskrebs im US-Bundesstaat Maryland wurde aufgrund des zunehmenden Widerstands in der Bevölkerung zurückgezogen.

"Kelley's [HPV] bill had widespread support in the [Maryland] Senate, with nearly half of the senators signing on to the legislation. It had yet to be introduced in the House. Yesterday, some of the cosponsors said they were surprised to learn that Kelley was pulling the measure, even though, they said, they could understand her decision. "There has been growing controversy about the vaccine," said Sen. Gwendolyn T. Britt (D-Prince George's), one of 21 senators who signed on to the measures.....It did have support," Britt said of the number of lawmakers who co-sponsored the legislation." But I think the [negative] reaction came unexpectedly." - Ovetta Wiggins, The Washington Post

 "At a Wall Street briefing last month, Peter Loescher, president of global human health at Merck, said he emphasizes "speed, speed, speed" in a product launch. Already, he noted, 80 percent of cities and states - including Maryland - have ordered Gardasil to be distributed through Vaccines for Children. The federally funded program provides free vaccines to doctors who serve children with little or no insurance....But some medical experts say lawmakers are moving too fast in their efforts to vaccinate all school-age girls. The American Academy of Pediatrics, for instance, is urging a go-slow approach, with an initial focus on raising public awareness of HPV and more monitoring of the safety of the vaccine, which had minimal side effects in clinical trials but hasn't been observed in larger-scale rollouts." - Laura Smitherman, Baltimore Sun

 "With at least 18 states debating whether to require Merck's Gardasil vaccine for schoolgirls, Merck has funneled money through Women in Government, an advocacy group made up of female state legislators around the country. A top official from Merck's vaccine division sits on Women in Government's business council, and many of the bills around the country have been introduced by members of Women in Government..... Drug-industry analyst Steve Brozak of W.B.B. Securities has projected Gardasil sales of at least $1 billion per year -- and billions more if states start requiring the vaccine. "I could not think of a bigger boost," he said." - Associated Press

 "Should it be state law that girls as young as 11 or 12 must be vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes most cervical cancers? NO, it should be up to parents to make that decision: 68%. Does it bother you that the maker of the vaccine, Merck & Co., is helping fund efforts to pass the state laws? YES, I worry the law could be more about profit than what is best for girls' health: 75%" - MSNBC Poll, January 31, 2007

Barbara Loe Fisher Commentary:

Congratulations, mothers and fathers of America. You are making your voices heard in your state legislatures, where you are telling the men and women you voted into office what you think about them forcing you to inject your little girls with a unproven vaccine for a disease that cannot be transmitted in public in order to attend school. And you are taking on the biggest, most well financed and politically powerful industry in America to do it.

The power does belong to the people when the people stand up and fight for their freedom. We, the people, who are citizens of the greatest democracy on earth can take back the power our forefathers fought to give us if we will take the time out of our busy lives and make the effort to participate in our democracy by getting involved.

Each one of us in our small towns and large cities in American CAN make a difference by speaking out when we see our freedoms being taken from us. Don't ever think that you are powerless in the face of what appears to be overwhelming odds. Pick up the phone and call your state legislator or write or call or fax or email. Write that letter or op ed piece for your local newspaper. Talk to your civic and community groups about what you know is true and right for you and your family.

Every day if you only inform one more person about why it is important for Americans to have the right to voluntary, informed consent to vaccination, you will have made a difference.

Quelle: NVIC-Newsletter vom 31. Jan. 2007 

















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