Krebsimpfung: Canadians Follow GARDASIL Money Trail
Trotz der im Zusammenhang mit der Krebsimpfunggemeldeten Todesfälle und Nebenwirkungen will die kanadische Regierung 300 Millionen Dollar für eine Impfkampagne gegen Gebärmutterhalskrebs ausgeben.
Harper government irresponsibly approves HPV Vaccine that causes atrocious side-effects for young girls, including cancer
The Stephen Harper Conservative minority government earlier this year made a decision to spend $300 million on a campaign to inoculate females nine to 13 against cervical cancer. Sounds like great leadership on a critical health issue doesn't it. The problem is that the decision appears to be motivated to financially support the U.S. Big Business Pharmaceutical interests that developed the vaccine. Kathleen O'Hara in the Hamilton Spectator on 26 September 2007 referred to the vaccine programme as effort to create "more guinea pigs" for a vaccine that has many reported serious health issues. (...) Paul Chen, The Canadian (October 30, 2007)